Befimmo is a Belgian real estate investor, operator and developer.
They have a mixed-use portfolio of buildings in city centers throughout Belgium and Luxembourg. It is worth approx. €2.8 billion and comprises 60 offices, multi-tenant buildings and 8 coworking spaces.
Sites managed by Izix: 3
Parking spots: 600+
As a forward-thinking player in a competitive market, Befimmo is committed to offering flexible, modular services and using digital solutions to optimize their customers’ experiences.
In terms of mobility, Befimmo provides a full range of facilities including provision of electric bikes, electric vehicle charging systems, smart parking systems and mobility hubs.
Befimmo believes that the tenant experience is one of the must-haves of any new building. They then aim to provide additional services to their tenants.
Befimmo wanted to take a strategic approach and move towards a smart building to ensure the competitive position on a long-term.
Izix had to take into consideration the 3 parking sites. They are located in different locations and have their own parking policies, so it was necessary to combine the sites into a single app for easy management and access.
Befimmo needed a parking organization that could adapt to different type of mobility such as electric vehicles or bikes.
For the property manager, Izix gives the opportunity to have a centralized place to manage the different parking lots and have a view on occupation rates.
For the tenants, Izix offers an improved parking experience within Befimmo building app and allow to manage the accesses of their own employees.